Archive for ‘Illustration’

April 20, 2011

Hey Cavey! Easter contest submission

I was perusing my usual blog haunts when I came across an Easter contest for Hey Cavey! Hosted by Toy Break (October Toys) the winner receives an Easter Cavey!! Winner is selected at random so my fingers are crossed, hoping my little Easter themed quick drawing is chosen. I’m always intrigued by stylistically simple characters because I believe simple is harder to pull off than complex and Holly, aka A Little Stranger & creator Cavey, does this so well. I’m a fan – her personal and professional portfolios are to drool over… In my last post I highlighted her as a current inspiration to my own plushy endeavors.

Send those positive vibes my way and I just might let you hug Cavey when I win! 🙂

UPDATE: I did not win BUT I was featured on Hey Cavey’s blog!! So it was better than winning. ^_^

UPDATE TO THAT UPDATE: Hey Cavey creator A Little Stranger contacted me to let me know my illustration will be up on display during Cavey’s birthday party! Pretty exciting… bummed I can’t attend. (again shaking fists I can’t be in the UK)