Archive for May, 2011

May 18, 2011

Insane Giveaway: ipad2 hosted by Design For Mankind

I admit it. My heart skips a beat at the thought of winning an ipad2. This morning I came to work, read my blog feeds and found that I was in luck! Erin Loechner, writer and owner of the blog Design For Mankind is giving away an ipad 2! (click here) Not only is it a truly inspirational design / decor / product blog NOW she’s giving things away?!! Can it get much better? If you haven’t taken a stroll through her blog I highly recommend it! My favorite posts are what she calls “samsies”, proof we are inspired by the same universal energy. ❤ B

May 10, 2011

a little treat

I’m a fan of leSportsac, they tend to collaborate with designers I’m fond of; this is no exception. On a whim I went to their site and found that Jeremyville is there current Artist In Residence (not sure about the model choice?). After looking at all the styles and balancing my checkbook I decided to treat myself to the cute little bunny pouch. As a product designer I appreciate all the little details like the ears, bunny head shape, over sized zipper pull and most of all, the handle clip that will allow it to transform any of my bags from boring to cute with just a click! (Did I just try to sell it? Yes, yes I did.)

OH! And I finished my first GYPSY. I really love how it turned out – the gradation of color and the used of my custom Spoonflower fabric!

May 6, 2011

first mold time!

I’m just twenty four hours from casting the first eyes and butt pieces for my first mixed medium amigurumi. Lovingly named FuzzButt. Each FuzzButt will be made of a mix of acrylic and fur fiber yarn which I crochet. I have so many themes for this little character.

FuzzButt will make it’s first public appearance at the charity fundraiser being put on by a friend of mine who has a sister recovering from a serious brain infection. Along with 5 customized FuzzButts I’ll be contributing 2 paintings, one of which is a colab with Justin Maylone, a ridiculously talented abstract texture artist.

More photos to come.

1st of 8 coats of latex. Looks kind of gross. O_o